Technology Evaluation

This week’s assignment was to use a technology maturity survey to rank our institution and write a summary of our findings. The survey takes into consideration the administrative, curricular, support, connectivity, and innovative aspects of technology at a school. The four ranks possible in each category are emergent, islands, integrated, and intelligent. This assignment required me to talk with multiple individuals in various departments and request documents that disclose our demographic and technology plans.

Most of the rankings that Mountain Valley College (the pseudonym for my workplace) scored were at the islands and integrated levels. This is in the middle of the charts and leaves a lot of room for improvement. In researching the technology at Mountain Valley, I found that few formal protocols are in place. This doesn’t prevent innovation or integration, but the college would be more efficient if formal procedures existed. I also found that technology is greatly dependent on available staff and funding. Mountain Valley is a small community college and lacks in both areas. Regardless of funding or staff numbers, the research for this evaluation revealed that Mountain Valley is doing great things with it’s available resources.

Here is the link to my maturity model benchmark survey sheet.

Here is the link to my final evaluation.

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