Reflection of Learning – EDTECH 501

This course introduced me to various methods and best practices of education technology. Prior to taking this course, I had not been a student since 2011. This class helped awaken my study habits, ones that were somewhat lacking since I have been out of school. I had to re-learn the APA format and remember how to keep track of assignments. Although somewhat challenging at times, this course introduced me to education technology and solidified my goal of receiving my master degree.

This was my first online course. One benefit of face-to-face classes is that the instructor can encourage and motivate you about class material. This can be done with online classes, but a physical presence is something that can be lost over the internet. I was challenged to keep on task with my first online course, but with some adaptation, I succeeded. Another challenge I faced was adhering to the strict APA format when writing papers. One strategy that I learned was asking fellow students about specific format questions. I also discovered plenty of online resources that answered any of the APA questions I had.

Throughout the course, I was required to create artifacts, or assignments that concentrated on specific aspects of education technology. My favorite artifact was one that required us to evaluate and assess our workplace. This evaluation focused on how my institution planned, integrated and measured education technology. This was the first time I formally wrote a paper and conducted research on my institution. I discovered many things that my college is doing well and some things that need improvement. I have shared my research with a few individuals and hope to create a committee on technology planning. I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course and I am sure that it will not only benefit me, but also the college that I work at.

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